
Testimonials for Myrtle Beach Change Management Services

Happy business woman taking the lead

Sherri Baldwin

I have known Greg for over 10 years, while he was working as Director at  National Gypsum Company. During that time he participated in our Leadership Development sessions and 360-degree feedback initiative. His manager and employees ranked him high in every category – both focusing on accomplishing tasks and connecting with people equally. Additionally, we have had numerous conversations regarding the importance of strong leadership in an organization. I truly believe Greg demonstrates integrity and leadership, and is genuine in his desire to help others reach their goals and succeed.

Sherri K. Baldwin, Principal - LeadAdvantage, Inc.

Keith Washington

It gives me great pleasure to submit this letter of recommendation on behalf of Mr. Greg Campbell.

I met Mr. Campbell while he held the position of Director, Customer Service Center with National Gypsum.  It was in this role that I witnessed Mr. Campbell’s commitment to the career growth and professional development of his team.  Mr. Campbell demonstrated this commitment to all within his team.  In return, his team members were very forthcoming in showing their appreciation for his authenticity in this regard.
In my role as a career and leadership coach for members within the National Gypsum Company, it was an immense pleasure to partner with Mr. Campbell; he is truly someone who possessed a shared commitment to the development of the aspiring professional.  I look forward to the opportunity to work with Mr. Campbell again in the near future.
In the meantime, I am confident Mr. Campbell will continue to be a tremendous asset to those whose professional growth he will be able to support
Keith Washington, Principal - Next Level Career Coaching and Development

Are you ready?

The business world is changing rapidly. Your people are the key to keeping ahead of potential dangers. Let us help you get them ready.